Squarespace Freelance Professional | Clean, Professional, Responsive Websites
97% of local searches for what you do (whether your provide products or services) begin on the web. Beyond that, 2 out of 3 searches begin on mobile (phones and tablets), according to SearchEngineLand.
It’s why I design on Squarespace, achieving a design that’s as responsive on mobile as on desktop.
IMHO, Squarespace tops the list when it comes to responsiveness - performing as well on mobile, cellphone and tablet as on desktop.
Because of Squarespace’s clean lines, high performance and stellar integrations, I’ve actually stopped working with other providers who up-charge for every application, are sub-par on mobile, or create designer-dependency because of their lack of user-friendly functionality.
I want you to love your site, use your site, and be able to maintain your site. That’s why STEP-3 includes training-time.
If your site is difficult to maintain, you’ll stop maintaining it. And that means you’re just 3-seconds from your potential-customer clicking the “back” button, leaving you behind.
Search Engine Optimization is essential, as is having a website people want to read. Don’t send potential business to the competition for want of a website that’s current and as user-friendly for you as it is for your clients.
For small businesses (even those with a national footprint), Squarespace is at the front of the pack when it comes to development, responsiveness, design and interface elements.
Helping others succeed at what they do - that's my thing.
That’s why, after working on other platforms, I'd never go back. Squarespace is my platform of choice for a beautiful website that small business owners, non-profits and social-enterprises can maintain on their own.
As a Squarespace Freelance Professional, website designer and CDMP (Certified Digital Marketing Professional)
who helps small business owners pursue their passions and achieve their goals, I look forward to designing a website that’s great looking and high performing - and makes you look good every day.